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Visitation Summer Dream Mariposa Rocky Mountain Meadow Mariposa Dew Rocky Mountain Meadow Mariposa Dew 2 Rocky Mountain Meadow June Sunset Longs Peak Sunrise Iris Flowerscape 3 White Dahlia Study 3 Dahlia Study 4 Rock Moss Ripple Farmers Market Bounty


Natures Sketchbook The Beetles Way Flowerscape Nasturtium Two Flowerscape Pink Iris One Flowerscape Yellow Iris One Flowerscape Yellow Iris Three Flowerscape Yellow Iris Six My Neighborhood Estes Textures 3 My Neighborhood Estes Textures 1v2 My Neighborhood Estes Textures 2 My Neighborhood Estes Textures 2v2


Juxtaposition One Naples Monte Carlo Koi Summer Serenity Snow Sunset Portal Black Canyon Reveal Reflective Dreams Celtic Hearts Monte Carlo Japanese Garden Ripple and Leaf Yampa Waterlily Too Aqueous Reflections 2


Colorado Monument 1612 Estes Valley Sunset Heart Mariposa Rocky Mountain Meadow June Sunset Longs Peak March Sky Longs Peak My Neighborhood Estes Textures 3 My Neighborhood Estes Textures 1v2 My Neighborhood Estes Textures 2 My Neighborhood Estes Textures 2v2 Barrel Cactus Rocky Mountain Meadow


Autumnal Celtic Celebration 3 Aspen Eyes October Snow Globe No. 2 Blue Sky Flowerscape Pink Iris One Flowerscape Yellow Iris One October Splendor Madrid 2 October Dahlias Autumnal Delight Madrid Lichen and Leaf Mandala Autumn Portal


Estes Valley Sunset Heart June Sunset Longs Peak Sunset Dance Swirling Celtic Sunset Devils Gulch September Sunset Sunset Portal Snow Sunset Portal


Vernal Dreams 3 Vernal Dreams 2 Vernal Dreams Vernal Exuberance Spring Optimism Spring Tulips 07587 Spring Tulips Breeze 07633 February Dreams of March #1 White Crocus Flowerscape Pansy One


Visitation Summer Dream Flowerscape Pink Iris One Flowerscape Yellow Iris One Wabash Iris Lens Flowerscape Yellow Iris Three Flowerscape Yellow Iris Six Sunrise Iris Flowerscape 3


Autumnal Celtic Celebration 3 Visitation Summer Dream Autumnal Celtic Celebration 1 Sunset Dance Swirling Celtic Sunset Flowerscape Yellow Iris Three Flowerscape Yellow Iris Six Flowerscape Pansy One Monte Carlo Koi Aqueous Reflections 2


October Snow Globe No. 2 Blue Sky Autumn Portal Barn Interior 090216 Beauty in the Ruins Black Canyon Reveal Farmers Market Bounty October Snow Globe No. 4 Golden Grasses October Snow Globe No. 5 Aspen Pasque Flower Sketch 0649 The Devils in the Details 2


Mariposa Rocky Mountain Meadow Flowerscape Nasturtium Two Mariposa Dew 2 Rocky Mountain Meadow Flowerscape Pink Iris One Flowerscape Yellow Iris One Flowerscape Pansy One Spring Optimism Spring Tulips 07587 Spring Tulips Breeze 07633 Wabash Iris Lens


White Crocus Mariposa Dew 2 Rocky Mountain Meadow Flowerscape Pansy One Calendula Glow White Dahlia Study 3 Spring Optimism Vernal Exuberance Pasque Flower Sketch 0649 Flowerscape Nasturtium Two Flowerscape Pink Iris One


Autumnal Celtic Celebration 3 Natures Sketchbook The Beetles Lair Natures Sketchbook The Beetles Way My Neighborhood Estes Textures 4 Autumnal Celtic Celebration 1 Autumnal Celtic Celebration 2 Flowerscape Pink Iris One Flowerscape Yellow Iris One Flowerscape Yellow Iris Three Flowerscape Yellow Iris Six


Autumnal Celtic Celebration 3 Flowerscape Pansy One Calendula Glow Sunrise Iris Flowerscape 3 Flowerscape Yellow Iris Three Flowerscape Yellow Iris Six Flowerscape Nasturtium Two Autumnal Celtic Celebration 2 October Splendor Madrid 2 October Dahlias


Natures Sketchbook The Beetles Lair Natures Sketchbook The Beetles Way Textural Antiquities Herculaneum Wall One Textural Antiquities Herculaneum Four Textural Antiquities Herculaneum Five Textural Antiquities Herculaneum Six Textural Antiquities Herculaneum Wall Two Textural Antiquities Herculaneum Wall Three Textural Antiquities Herculaneum Wall Seven Colosseum


Natural Paths Morning Mist Monte Carlo Koi Aqueous Reflections 2 Aqueous Reflections 3 Aqueous Reflections 4 Reflective Dreams Celtic Hearts Monte Carlo Japanese Garden Ripple and Leaf Summer Serenity


Juxtaposition One Naples Monte Carlo Koi Aqueous Reflections 2 Aqueous Reflections 3 Aqueous Reflections 4 Reflective Dreams Celtic Hearts Natural Paths Summer Serenity Lichen the Tattoos South Africa Morning Lily of the Nile


October Snow Globe No. 2 Blue Sky Estes Valley Sunset Heart Visitation Summer Dream Sunset Dance Swirling Celtic Sunset Juxtaposition One Naples Monte Carlo Koi Aqueous Reflections 2 Aqueous Reflections 3 Aqueous Reflections 4

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18

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